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  • 8248@manoroffaversham.org.uk
  • The Old Grammar School, Abbey Place, Faversham ME13 7BQ

Application for support

General Guidance Notes For Applicants. These notes are meant for general guidance only to applicants and their advocates, and the Lodge Committee retains the right to make an award, or not, at their absolute discretion. Applicants and their advocates are asked to bear in mind that we are a small organisation with finite resources and consequently funds very carefully targeted…

The Manor of Faversham Lodge History

Freemasonry has been present in Faversham for more than 250 years. The most youthful of the town’s three “Craft” Masonic Lodges, the Manor of Faversham was consecrated on January 7th 1969 and formed as a “daughter” of the Manor of Chatham Lodge.  We celebrated our 50th anniversary in our own inimitable style at a packed Alexander Centre in 2019. Like…