Our members have come from all walks of life and each with their own unique story to tell for why they became a Freemason
Kindness and charitable giving are deeply ingrained within the principles of Freemasonry. The organisation provides a support structure that helps members make positive contributions to communities and worthwhile causes through fundraising events or volunteer work
Rather than working on buildings like the masons of old, today’s Freemasons focus on building themselves as people of integrity, and membership provides the structure to help achieve that goal.
One of the oldest social organisations in the world, Freemasonry is not defined by an ideology. It is open to people from all religions and political persuasions and provides the common foundation for friendships between members, many of which will last for life.
With a membership of more than 200,000 people drawn from communities across the UK, Freemasonry brings people together irrespective of their race, religion or any other perceived differences that can divide us as a society
Kindness and charitable giving are deeply ingrained within the principles of Freemasonry. The organisation provides a support structure that helps members make positive contributions to communities and worthwhile causes through fundraising events or volunteer work
The History of The Manor of Faversham Lodge No. 8248
At the time the lodge was born, we were affectionately known in the town as the “Cops & Robbers Lodge"......
We meet six times a year on the evenings of the fourth Thursdays of January, February, March, April, October and November.
As a very sociable lodge, it's in our DNA, we hold a variety of social events of varying sizes throughout the year, culminating in our annual Ladies Festival each spring.
We have been active in the Faversham community for more than fifty years, supporting a wide range of local charities and other worthy causes.
If you are aged 18 or over and are interested in finding out more about Freemasonry in Faversham, we meet at Faversham's Old Grammar School most Tuesday nights throughout the year between 7.45pm and 9.00pm. Many of us then retire to one of the excellent local public houses in Faversham for a social chat. Either message us or simply turn up and we’ll be happy to answer any questions that you may have and explain more about who we are, what we do and the enjoyment that we get from Freemasonry in the company of like-minded people in our ceremonies, social and community events. We will help you to decide if Freemasonry is right for you and your family by answering your questions, and hopefully dispelling some of the myths which have attached themselves to the subject over the years. Freemasonry has been around for over 300 years and for more than 250 of them here in Faversham, we are proud to continue the traditions of compassion, benevolence and integrity which have been the cornerstones of our fraternity since its inception. Whether you are merely looking for new social opportunities or seeking a way to make a positive contribution in society, Freemasonry affords a wide range of benefits to members and their families, so put a note in your diary to Turn Up Tuesday!
As Faversham Freemasons we are always interested in receiving requests for support from local charities and worthy causes that benefit our local community. If you think we can help you simply click the button below where you will find guidance notes and an application form to assist you with your request.
One of the oldest charitable and social organisations in the world
Freemasonry’s roots lie in the traditions of the medieval stonemasons who built our cathedrals and castles.
It is here that a number of the famous elements of Freemasonry find their roots. In the medieval era, stonemasons often travelled around to find work in different locations. To demonstrate their level of qualification, they would use grips, words and signs in order to distinguish themselves from unqualified builders.
Freemasonry uses building analogies to teach members how to lead productive lives that benefit the communities that they live in. In the medieval era, stonemasons wore aprons and gloves to protect themselves while working on shaping rough pieces of stone, but in today’s society Freemasons meet to build friendships and communities rather than cathedrals and castles.
Let us take you on a journey back in time.
Women do have their place in Freemasonry. Women Freemasons have been meeting across the country for more than 100 years.
There are two female-only Grand Lodges: The Order of Women Freemasons and HFAF – Freemasonry for Women. They both follow exactly the same ceremonies and wear the same regalia as male Freemasons, and they often work closely with community and charity projects.
The United Grand Lodge of England has an excellent working relationship with both Grand Lodges. Members from Freemasonry for Women and The Order of Women Freemasons have both taken part in Open House London at Freemasons’ Hall in recent years in order to showcase female Freemasonry, as well as taking part in joint Freshers’ Fairs up and down the country as part of the Universities Scheme.
The Masonic Charitable Fundation support Freemasons and their families when life takes an unexpected turn for the worse. We offer a wide range of grants and support services for financial, health, family and care-related needs.
We are tackling some of society’s most important issues through grants to charities – both local and national – and partnerships with leading organisations in the sector.
We build better lives by encouraging opportunity, promoting independence and improving wellbeing for Freemasons, their families and the wider community.across England and Wales
Members in England
Charity Funding
Yearly volunteering hours
A key part of being Membership Officer is to make sure that enquiries for membership are handled smoothly, ensuring that anyone interested in joining is a mutual fit for both Freemasonsonry and the Lodge
As Mentor my role is to support and promote the Masonic development of all members of the Lodge, new and old.
One of the oldest social organisations in the world, Freemasonry is open to people from all religions and political persuasions and provides you with oportunities for friendships, many of which will last for life.
Benevolence and charity are deeply ingrained within the principles of Freemasonry. Our structure helps you to make a positive contribution to our communities and worthwhile causes through fundraising or volunteering.
Rather than working on buildings like the masons of old, as a modern day Freemasons joining allows you to build your ability to judge what is right and wrong and act accordingly.
The Old Grammar School, Abbey Place, Faversham ME13 7BJ